
This Mom's Recreations Of Celebrity Red Carpet Looks On Her 5-Year-Old Will Floor You

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Feb 08, 20195 mins

This Mom's Recreations Of Celebrity Red Carpet Looks On Her 5-Year-Old Will Floor You

The red carpet is where people expect to see the crème de la crème of fashion. However, it's no secret that for every award-winning outfit, there's at least half a dozen fashion faux pas, to put it mildly. That's why people are so eager to see the outfits worn by the stars at the likes of the Oscars and the Grammys: they want to ogle the good and laugh at the bad.

While designers themselves learn a lot from the hits and misses at these events, taking careful note of what does and does not work, they're not the only people who're inspired by the red carpet. Case in point, Turkish mom and artist, Alya Chaglar, who recreates miniature versions of the fashion worn by the rich and famous on her daughter five-year-old Stefani.

Alya shares her creations on Instagram and they're so popular that she's garnered over 228K followers. And, as you're about to see, she's not the only person who enjoys the recreations, her Stefani absolutely loves wearing them!

1. Lady Gaga's always one to watch on the red carpet

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

And if little Stefani ever makes it big, all eyes will be on her on the red carpet too.

2. Sometimes red carpet outfits look surprisingly cheap

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

We'd like to think Stefani's mom was poking fun with this particular recreation.

Discussing how the project came about, Alya said to Bored Panda, "One day, I came across a photo of Rihanna in a blue Molly Goddard gown and decided to repeat her fashion look for my daughter, by using different materials on hand."

3. Julia who?!

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Yeah, you rock that pose Stefani!

4. With enough creativity, you can turn trash into treasure

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Garbage couture!

5. Who wore it better?

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Stefani, obviously.

6. Ladies, start your engines...

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

And may the best doll dress win! Okay, okay it's over now. Alya, give Stefani her toys back.

7. If I was Blac Chyna and saw this comparison, I'd be asking my designer for a refund...

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Seriously. It was possible to create the same dress from tinsel and garbage bags.

8. This actually looks like the 10-year challenge

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Someone has to compare baby pictures of Jennifer Lawrence to Stefani.

9. Personally, I prefer the cardboard dress...

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Aren't those oversized heels adorable?!

10. Ten out of ten to Alya for her creativity

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

And Stefani for her ability to mimic poses.

"It takes around 10-30 minutes to recreate a celebrity's look," Alya explained. "We use nothing more than plastic, paper, tin foil and other materials you can find around the house, and a stapler to stick the pieces together."

11. Move over Meghan Markle

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

The Instagram princess is here, and she's ready to slay.

12. Rihanna really needs to bring Stefani to the carpet as her mini-me

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

I love the fact that Stefani decided to give this recreation her own personal touch by pouting.

13. Models rarely smile

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

But that won't stop Stefani from flashing her pearly whites! Adorable!

14. You can't actually tell the difference between these two dresses

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

If this isn't proof that high fashion is overpriced, I don't know what is.

15. That hat though

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

And those shoes!

16. Alya is a wizard

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

Seriously, there's nothing about this complex recreation that hasn't been perfectly executed.

17. Slay

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

The only thing letting this down is the fact that Stefani hasn't got the same shoes. Oh well, no can be perfect all the time!

18. There aren't many little girls who can pose like this

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

I think it's only a matter of time before Stefani gets a modeling deal from the popularity of her mom's Instagram account.

19. Mother Monster and Mini Monster

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

I wonder how many pairs of Alya's shoes Stefani has worn!

20. Tin foil is Alya's not-so-secret weapon

Credit: Instagram / @seasunstefunny

It's a good thing that so many celebs wear silver on the red carpet, that's all I'm saying!

Alya revealed that Stefani's been so inspired by their recreations that she's decided to become a fashion designer when she's older. One thing's for sure, if she's half as talented as her mom, it won't be long before we see her outfits on the red carpet!


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