
Bakery Mistakes 'Moana' For 'Marijuana' Birthday Cake And Chaos Ensues

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Jul 15, 20195 mins

Bakery Mistakes 'Moana' For 'Marijuana' Birthday Cake And Chaos Ensues

Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday. Heartfelt cards, thoughtful gifts and some coloured streamers never fail to make loved ones feel special. But what if your extravagant efforts to please an ageing individual don't turn out how you expect? That's what happened for one mother when she tried to celebrate her daughter's big day.

Credit: Pexels

Tammy Davis, a woman from Georgia, ordered a Moana cake for her daughter's birthday weekend. But when bakers delivered the cake on the day of the party, the mother realized they had misheard her over the phone and drastically butchered her kid's favorite Disney character.

Instead of being decorated with the strong-willed Disney girl, the cake donned a large cannabis leaf with icing to match that read: "Happy 25th birthday Kensli." Luckily Kensli is a 25-year-old who loves Moana, instead of a small child who received the surprise.

On the cake, there was also a green My Little Pony with a matching leaf on its rear end. The horse had red eyes and was smoking something. We'll let you decide what it was.

Birthday girl Kensli Taylor Davis posted a photo of the cake on Facebook with words over the picture that read, "Y'all, my mama got me a Moana cake", before going on to explain how the bakers "thought she said marijuana."

But her big day was far from ruined. She ended her sentence with a string of crying laughing emojis. She included a caption that said:

"I haven’t had a chance to tell y’all about our experience this weekend with my birthday cake. So my mama called and ordered me a cake telling them how much I loved Moana. (Because really I do) Well needless to say these people thought she said marijuana. That ice cream cake was still good though."

Credit: Disney

And the internet thought it was hilarious. Since Kensli posted the photo last week, it has received 10,000 likes and 11,000 shares. Several comments find the miscommunication hilarious, and many people even tagged their friends, inviting them to celebrate similarly for their next special day.

Here's hoping this blunder inspired you as well.

This article originally appeared on VT.co


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