
People Reveal Dumbest Things They Ever Did As Kids

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Jan 21, 20195 mins

People Reveal Dumbest Things They Ever Did As Kids

Kids are known to do some pretty dumb things, but we excuse this kind of behaviour because, well, they haven't lived long enough to realise how stupid some of their actions are. Plus they're perfectly aware that they are able to get away with certain things, and as a result, they're more likely to take risks compared to their adult counterparts.

Because while kids, as opposed to adults, get sent to their room and have certain privileges revoked at home, no one is going to berate a 10-year-old for, say, not remembering to pack their passport ahead of a family vacation to Paris. Well, they might, but let's face it, they're not expected to meet the same standards that adults are.

Soon enough though, time catches up with them, and they become just as culpable for their actions. Until that time, however, they're living the dream, getting up to all kinds of mischief and causing all kinds of trouble.

From eating grass to prove they are part-horse to stabbing themselves purely for attention, here are some of the most insanely stupid things kids have done in their young, naive lives...

1. This kid did exactly as they were told - you cannot fault them on that.

Credit: Twitter

Even when they're on the best behaviour - those little rugrats still cannot get it right. Poor things.

2. Ain't nothing calmer than a microwave blowing up in your face...

Credit: Twitter

But hey, the kid was eight years old and using a microwave for the first time - they didn't know any better.

3. The kind of kid that doesn't learn from their previous mistakes!

Credit: Twitter

And these were some mightily stupid mistakes too...

4. I give you the most-hated kid in the neighbourhood...

Credit: Twitter

I would hate to be the one responsible for sending the entire street into a blackout. Even if I was only five at the time.

5. Yeah, because that makes loads of sense...

Credit: Twitter

But then again, kids do nonsensical things on a daily basis!

6. Okay, I know this kid was four, but letting a skunk in the house? That's all kinds of gross!

Credit: Twitter

They learned a very important lesson that day.

7. Kids aren't exactly known for their use of logic.

Credit: Twitter

Oh for the love of Sesame Street...

8. This is actually amazing.

Credit: Twitter

No stupidity here - that's exactly what I would do, even as an adult.

9. The plan wasn't exactly full-proof.

Credit: Twitter

But it was well-intentioned. A kid trying to deal with their problems on their own - now that's Grade A maturity.

10. Yeah, grass with pesticide was never my favourite dish.

Credit: Twitter

And I'm guessing, based on this person's experience, it's not their favourite dish either.

11. How does one mistake rabbit droppings for stones at any age?

Credit: Twitter

I'm not even going to excuse this nastiness.

12. Rule one when doing something stupid: don't get caught by the neighbours.

Credit: Twitter

I mean, if you're going to do dumb stuff, you have to do it right...

13. Getting stuck in a dryer... not one of her finest moments.

Credit: Twitter

But she must have been pretty little if she was able to fit into a tumble dryer.

14. It's like something out of a nightmare... only it was real!

Credit: Twitter

I bet his parents never let him forget this...

15. Dead birds make the best pets, don't you know?

Credit: Twitter

Erm, at least it wasn't a rat!

So there you have it: kids may do stupid, ill-thought-out things on a daily basis, but at least they make us all laugh while doing it.


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