
Mom Turns Her Four-Year-Olds' Naps Into Brilliantly Creative Scenes

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Feb 20, 20195 mins

Mom Turns Her Four-Year-Olds' Naps Into Brilliantly Creative Scenes

We often take for granted how lucky we are to be able to capture each and every moment as it comes. Now that almost everyone owns a smartphone, we forget there was a time when we had to rely on disposable cameras and polaroids. If you're anything like me and, let's face it, your average Joe, your phone is your most sacred possession and you rarely let it out of your sight.

And apps such as Instagram really capitalise on the fact that you can take a picture of pretty much anything that you come across in your day-to-day life. The pretty average-looking meal you cooked for dinner last night, blossoming plants in your not especially pretty-looking garden, and, of course, your own goddamn face - anything goes.

What a lot of these photos lack, however, is that sentimental quality that used to make photos so special. When you spend every day taking photos, you run out of things to take pictures of and end up capturing the mundane and the utterly forgettable.

Now, this may be the norm, but there are definite exceptions to the rule, as one incredibly talented Japanese mother never fails to prove. Under the handle @ayumiichi, the doting mother has posted various snaps of her twin four-year-olds taking naps on Instagram and has done so using everyday items to create a different background each time.

1. It's not rocket science

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Actually, in this case, I guess it is.

2. You don't need actual water to go swimming

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Just a great background and imagination.

3. How do you like them apples?

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Now that's what I call teamwork!

4. Can you tell what they're supposed to be?

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Little reindeer antlers!

5. I guess ghosts really are real

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi


6. Ice cream, ice cream! Get your ice cream!

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Just one word: aw!

7. Little sunflowers

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Carrying even littler sunflowers.

8. Squirreling around

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

The acorn makes for a nice finishing touch!

9. Good vs. Evil

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Money in the bank and money out of the bank.

10. Cute little fishing trip

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Wonder what they'll catch!

11. It's Christmas time

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

...there's no need to be afraid!

12. Spooky watermelon

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

What else can you expect at Halloween?

13. Makeshift bunkbed 

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi


14. Mother bird and her babies

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

Sleeping baby birds.

15. From baby birds to baby turtles

Credit: Instagram / @ayumiichi

How does she come up with this stuff?

I don't know about you, but this phenomenal creativity has definitely reignited my love of naps. As a matter of fact, I'm going to take one right now. Meanwhile, you can keep up with this talented mom's work on Instagram. Go on, you know you want to.


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