
Mom Shares Genius Hack For Getting Her Baby To Take Her Medicine, And The Internet Is Obsessed

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By Craft Factory

Apr 11, 20195 mins

Mom Shares Genius Hack For Getting Her Baby To Take Her Medicine, And The Internet Is Obsessed

One of the most useful skills you develop as a parent of a baby is being able to spot whenever your child is feeling under the weather. In fact, in some cases, being able to recognise it quickly could prove crucial in nipping a potentially serious illness in the bud.

The thing is, though, being able to notice whenever your baby is feeling ill is all well and good, but knowing just how to tackle the illness is a completely different ballgame.

One mother, however, might just be able to solve this problem - if the problem in question happens to be that your baby simply won't take their medicine.

Credit: Pexels / Daniel Reche

Oh, and aside from being a mum, Helena Lee also works as an advanced nursery practitioner in the UK's National Health Service - in case, she needed any credibility.

The British mother from Feltham, London, was concerned for her baby boy when she discovered he had a high temperature. Unfortunately, she struggled to get baby Alfie to take his medicine without him spitting it straight back out.

Helena had tried everything - but even the methods she had used on Alfie's now-four-year-old brother, Harrison failed to work on her youngest tot.

Credit: Facebook / Helena Lee

Helena tried getting her son to take the medicine in little bits and tried using a spoon, but nothing would work.

Soon enough, though, she remembered a little trick she had once seen that would ensure her baby received the remedy he needed to ease him out of his ailment.

So buckle up and pay attention because this hack is full-proof.

Helena realised that all she needed was a syringe to push the Calpol medicine through Alfie's bottle and into his mouth.

Wanting to share the simple yet effective tip with as many parents as possible, Lee posted a photo of the hack to Facebook with the following caption:

"FOR ALL MUMMIES... So for the last 24 hours ive struggled to get alfie to take calpol, he has ended up covered in half of it where he spits it at me...... Then I remembered seeing this trick.. Not 1 bit got wasted and no tears please feel free to share with any baby mummies you know xxxxx"

As of this writing, the post has been shared a whopping 169,000 times and has been inundated with close to 100,000 comments from parents impressed by the nifty trick.

"We did this for ours when she had her cold," one person wrote. "It works a treat."

"What a good way of giving a baby Calpol I wish I knew this way before," another added.

"What a brilliant way to give a baby medicine never thought about doing that but you learn new things every other day," a third chimed in.

So there you have it: it may be simple, but it'll probably come in handy one day.


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