
Moms Are Claiming This Cheap Beauty Tool Is The Secret To A Pain-Free Childbirth

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By Craft Factory

Jul 22, 20195 mins

Moms Are Claiming This Cheap Beauty Tool Is The Secret To A Pain-Free Childbirth

Every woman who can expect to give birth in the near future has one anxiety on her mind: contraction pains. Indeed, childbirth is one of the most painful and physically-demanding things a person can go through, and even with all the benefits of a modern maternity unit and expert midwives, it can be a protracted and deeply-uncomfortable process, to say the least.

However, now a Facebook page aimed at new mothers has gone viral last week, after sharing an unlikely-sounding hack which they claim can almost completely alleviate the pain of childbirth, using an everyday beauty tool that costs as little as $3.00.

The hack was first shared by the Facebook page "Fox Valley Birth and Baby" last week, after they uploaded a picture of a woman holding an ordinary plastic comb. According to this post, the sharp points of the comb can simulate acupuncture, and distract a woman from the pain of contractions.

It might sound far-fetched, but a number of women in the comments have confirmed through personal experience that the trick really does work.

The original post reads: "Did you know a comb can be used during labor?! And no its not for your hair. When gripped in your hands, a comb can help hit acupuncture points in your hands. [sic]"

It added: "It also plays into the gate control pain theory. This theory states that the brain can only focus on a select number of sensations. Because the nerve endings are closer on your hands they reach your brain faster. Helping your body forget about the contractions."

"ETA: For those who have asked how to hold it Having the comb hit at the base of the fingers (across the palm of your hand)."

So there you have it: a simple comb could help spare you from some real discomfort. However, it goes without saying that you should consult with a doctor first, before making any crucial decisions surrounding your birth.


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