Mom Makes DIY Lamp Filled With Everything She Found Doing Son's Laundry

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Jul 10, 20195 mins

Mom Makes DIY Lamp Filled With Everything She Found Doing Son's Laundry

Deciding what to get someone on their wedding day is no mean feat - particularly if the person getting married happens to be your own son or daughter.

I mean, weddings are a sentimental affair with plenty of tears being shed and poignant memories being shared so anything you do get your child on their wedding day has to be the epitome of heartwarming.

And that's exactly what one Redditor, who goes by Justgrant2009, got from his mom on his wedding day.

Credit: Reddit / Justgrant2009

Justgrant2009's mother had kept many of the items she found in his pockets when he was growing up back in the 80s and 90s - while she was doing the laundry.

"This lamp has everything my mom ever found in my pockets when doing laundry for me when I was little," he wrote. "She gave it to me at my wedding."

Credit: Reddit / Justgrant2009

"It started off with mostly sticks, rocks, and marbles," he explained further. "But over time it ended up having all sorts of items ranging from Pogs, a Gameboy game (Super Mario Land), a Magic School Bus McDonald's toy, yo-yos, and Laser Quest scorecards. There are also plenty of sticks, springs, rubber-bands, and twist-ties because I went through a phase where I remember telling my parents I was going to build a robot with just those items."

Credit: Reddit / Justgrant2009

"I will admit that there are a few items in there from my early 20s too, as like any lazy college student, I let my mom wash my clothes while staying at home from college between semesters. And clearly, my mom was still collecting my things."

Needless to say, a lot of people were touched by the post and wrote as much in the comments.

"My mom did something similar except instead of making my stuff into a wedding gift she threw it in the trash," one user wrote. "She was such a sweet lady."

Credit: Reddit / Justgrant2009

"That's awesome," wrote another. It truly is a great idea; your mom is very creative. And congratulations on getting married!"

What a tearjerker of a wedding gift - in the best possible way!


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