Make Your Own Edible And Stackable Lego Bricks With This Step-By-Step Tutorial
By Craft Factory
Jun 12, 20195 mins
One of the most popular children's toys the world over is Lego. The multicolored blocks can provide hours of entertainment as kids stack them to their heart's content. However, if you're looking to make your kid's Lego experience that bit more special (perhaps for a birthday?!), look no further than this edible Lego tutorial.
Now, before you think "I can't make them! They look too complicated!", I'm here to tell you that it's a lot simpler than you might think. All you need are three things: water, gelatin, and a suitably shaped molding tray.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
This incredible DIY is the brainchild of YouTuber Grant Thompson, who shared it on his channel The King of Random.
Needless to say, if you want multicolored Lego, you will have to invest in more than a few batches of Jello-O, or food coloring if you're using gelatine.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
At this point, it's worth noting that you don't necessarily have to buy a mold for your Lego blocks either. Providing that you're already in possession of Lego, it's relatively simple to make a silicone mold of your existing blocks.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
First thing's first, in order to create your gummy mixture, you will have to mix the gelatin and water in a pan. You must do so at a medium heat and stir it thoroughly to ensure that there are no lumps.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
Otherwise, the crystal clear bricks like the ones pictured below will look more than a little cloudy.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
You will be able to tell once you pour your mixture into its molding tray whether or not you've been successful, and don't worry if you haven't been. If that's the case, put it into a long, heat-resistant glass and let it settle.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
The undissolved gelatin will rise to the surface, and you can then scrape it off - leaving you with the good stuff.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
When Thompson made his bricks, he did so using a condiment dispenser to ensure the mixture was evenly dispensed. He recommended putting more mixture in the molds than necessary as it will shrink during the drying process.
The drying process, as is the case when making normal gelatin, or Jell-O, should take a minimum of eight hours.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
Once you have your Lego blocks, you can dispense them into individual cups like Thompson did, or mix them up.
Just look at the detail in this Lego man! Thompson's creation was so successful that he could even stand up unaided.
Credit: YouTube / The King of Random
And while it's no secret that gummy candy isn't the best for kid's teeth, you don't have to give them all the bricks at once. If kept refrigerated, they will be perfectly edible for up to a month.
For a full tutorial on how to make your own stackable Lego blocks, watch Thompson's video below:
Happy stacking!
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