
LEGO Are Releasing Anti-LEGO Slippers To End Decades Of Excruciating Pain

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 20, 20195 mins

LEGO Are Releasing Anti-LEGO Slippers To End Decades Of Excruciating Pain

Kids have loved playing with LEGO from the time it was first launched all the way back in 1958 and, a whole 61 years later, they still love it now. In fact, since its conception, it has been named "Toy of the Century" twice.

And considering improvements in toy technology are constantly being made, that's no mean feat. It may seem like a simple idea - "building" things out of little plastic bricks - but it does wonders for children and their creativity.

Credit: lego.com

Plus it can keep them entertained for hours - a real godsend for parents on a busy schedule.

I mean, the list of LEGO's upsides really does go on. However, there is one particularly painful downside. Parents of kids who own a set of LEGO bricks will know just how excruciating it is when you unintentionally step on them.

Credit: Instagram / @averageparentproblems

They're small and there are lots of them, so it's pretty easy for them to find their way all over the house - seemingly hidden in the carpet fibers (until you step on them that is). Well, if you've found yourself in the same boat, then boy do I have some great news for you.

Credit: PIWEE

After 61 years of customers from across the world stepping on LEGOs, the company could be set to release a pair of anti-LEGO slippers. With these slippers, which contain plenty of padding, you will be able to protect yourself from stray LEGO bricks 100% of the time.

Credit: PIWEE

In fact, if you fill out a wish list on the LEGO website, you could be asked to be one of the testers for the yet-to-be-released product. If all goes well in the testing stage, LEGO will ensure the slippers are made available to the general public.

Credit: PIWEE

It is still unclear as to whether the slippers will be included in every production kit after they have been given the "okay" or whether parents will have to purchase them separately.


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