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Mom Shares Incredible $5 Hack That Will Leave Your Washing Machine Looking Like New

Mar 09, 2019

5 mins

Mom Shares Incredible $5 Hack That Will Leave Your Washing Machine Looking Like New

It's often said that a workman is only as good as his tools, and this cliché can be applied to a lot of things in life. Take the washing machine, for example. If it's not running efficiently, you'll have not only wasted water and electricity but time as you try…

10 Of Grandma's Best Parenting Hacks That Millennials Would Be Stupid Not To Follow

Mar 06, 2019

5 mins

10 Of Grandma's Best Parenting Hacks That Millennials Would Be Stupid Not To Follow

Parenting has never been easy. Not in 2019, not generations ago - not even hundreds of years ago. It's a universal fact that kids require a great deal of moulding, learning, and discipline, and this can prove difficult at the best of times. These days, we might think kids have…

Mom's Ingenious Grocery Cart Hack Is An Absolute Godsend For Parents

Mar 06, 2019

5 mins

Mom's Ingenious Grocery Cart Hack Is An Absolute Godsend For Parents

When you have young children, you have to take them everywhere before they're old enough for you to trust them to be on their own. Until that time, they remain under your watchful eye as you go about your daily activities. Whether you're taking them with you to work while…

Woman Reveals The One Everyday Kitchen Item That Can "Cure" A Migraine In Minutes

Mar 06, 2019

5 mins

Woman Reveals The One Everyday Kitchen Item That Can "Cure" A Migraine In Minutes

Anyone who has ever had a migraine will know just how unbearably painful it can be. Making matters worse, sometimes even painkillers aren't enough to rid you of that throbbing pain in your head. But those who do endure frequent migraines are certainly not alone. In fact, it is estimated…

Parents Share Their Genius Baby Grows Hacks And We Can't Believe How Simple It Is

Mar 04, 2019

5 mins

Parents Share Their Genius Baby Grows Hacks And We Can't Believe How Simple It Is

Doing the laundry can be a time-consuming and arduous task. It's even worse when you're the parent of a young child and have about a million other things to be getting on with. The last thing you want to be distracting you from your oh-so-precious me-time is realizing that your…

Mom Shares "Clever" Medicine Hack And Divides The Internet

Feb 28, 2019

5 mins

Mom Shares "Clever" Medicine Hack And Divides The Internet

It's our duty as parents to do everything in our power to safeguard our children's health. Even when that means dealing with a temper tantrum (or three) when we have to turn down their request for yet another McDonald's Happy Meal and or bag of Haribo. And while this is…

How To Make Your Own All-Purpose Cleaning Slime, Perfect For Hard To Reach Places

Feb 28, 2019

5 mins

How To Make Your Own All-Purpose Cleaning Slime, Perfect For Hard To Reach Places

One of the biggest phenomenons to sweep the younger generation in recent years is slime. Gooey, icky, and a lot of fun to mold and play with, if you've got a kid under the age of eight, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. But the brilliance of slime goes…

These Laundry Eggs Can Wash Your Clothes For Just $10 A Year

Feb 25, 2019

5 mins

These Laundry Eggs Can Wash Your Clothes For Just $10 A Year

Last week, NASA reported that a chunk of the polar ice caps thirty times size of Manhattan is about to break off. This once again demonstrates the need for radical action to save our planet. If the sea continues to rise at its current rate, it will inevitably spell environmental…

Mom Shares Genius $4 Hack To Remove Stains From School Uniforms

Feb 24, 2019

5 mins

Mom Shares Genius $4 Hack To Remove Stains From School Uniforms

Getting your clothes dirty on an almost daily basis is all part of the parcel of being a kid. This is especially the case at school: where youngsters spend their lunchtimes chasing each other around, climbing jungle gyms, and, naturally, getting their hands sticky at lunchtime (Why eat your jelly…

Mom Demonstrates Simple Hack For Clearing Daughter's Blocked Sinuses

Feb 20, 2019

5 mins

Mom Demonstrates Simple Hack For Clearing Daughter's Blocked Sinuses

It goes without saying that no parent wants to see their young child with any kind of illness, even if it happens to be something as common as a cold. That's your baby, and you can't stand to see them suffer - no matter what the cause. Unfortunately, protecting your child from getting…

Mom Reveals How Dishwasher Tablets Can Leave Your Oven Door Looking Like New

Feb 20, 2019

5 mins

Mom Reveals How Dishwasher Tablets Can Leave Your Oven Door Looking Like New

There are certain utensils which are magnets for gathering dirt and grime, and one of the most notorious is the oven. Even with the best will in the world, avoiding grease and fat splurting off your food and onto its window is nigh on impossible. And because of the heat, it…

This Is Why Toilet Training Parents Are Covering Their Bathrooms In Shaving Cream

Feb 19, 2019

5 mins

This Is Why Toilet Training Parents Are Covering Their Bathrooms In Shaving Cream

I can only imagine what a stressful task toilet training kids must be. They may be known for being little sponges with the ability to soak up new information at a surprising speed, but that doesn't mean that the process of teaching them new life skills is a simple feat.…


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