
This Is Why Toilet Training Parents Are Covering Their Bathrooms In Shaving Cream

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By Craft Factory

Feb 19, 20195 mins

This Is Why Toilet Training Parents Are Covering Their Bathrooms In Shaving Cream

I can only imagine what a stressful task toilet training kids must be. They may be known for being little sponges with the ability to soak up new information at a surprising speed, but that doesn't mean that the process of teaching them new life skills is a simple feat. On the contrary, it can be exhausting and, on occasion, infuriating.

And for many parents, it's not the training itself that makes it as trying as it is, it's that godawful stench of urine that appears as a result. Even if your kid is a pretty fast learner, a few accidents are inevitable.

Credit: Pexels / Daria Shevtsova

Fortunately, in the age of social media, you never have to wait too long for someone to come up with a solution to a widespread problem. In fact, recently hundreds of Australian mothers from the Facebook group Mums Who Clean discovered one particularly ingenious hack which works to reverse the odour which occurs as a result of toilet training.

Although, if you happen to be a parent of a child of toilet training age, you should know that this hack is a pretty messy one.

Basically, it involves applying large amounts of shaving cream to your bathroom walls and floor and letting it stay there until the smell completely disappears. While this might seem like an unlikely solution, a huge number of mothers swear by this inexpensive trick, with hundreds of them sharing photos of their own bathrooms covered in shaving cream.

Credit: Supplied

It is believed that the reason shaving foam works so well to tackle the odour is due to the combination of chemicals it contains. These chemicals break down the uric acid crystals found in urine as opposed to superficially covering up the smell.

Needless to say, those in the Facebook group who were completely new to this hack were filled with gratitude to the members who had shared it in the first place.

Credit: Supplied

"I'd just like to say a huge thank you to the beautiful mom who said to use shaving cream in the toilet to get rid of urine smell," one mother wrote. "I sprayed it everywhere and rubbed it in went back a few hours later to wipe down and the smell has gone. It worked for me and yes I only paid a couple bucks for the stuff best tip ever! Thank you once again."

Credit: Supplied

"Anyone who has a house full of young boys will understand why it's spread far and wide and to all of the grout and corners," another mother commented. "I'm leaving it on overnight. I hope it does well!"

"Shaving cream! Cheap can, empty it all over the floor and lower wall tiles, rub it in, leave for a few hours, wash it off. Smell gone," a third remarked.

Credit: Supplied

What about you guys at home? Are you currently in the process of toilet training a little one? If so, are you going to give this stench-removing hack in the near future? Let us know in the comments section.


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