
CORRECTION: Girls Do Not Get Most Of Their Genes From Their Maternal Grandmother

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Jul 18, 20195 mins

CORRECTION: Girls Do Not Get Most Of Their Genes From Their Maternal Grandmother

- Correction -

On May 21, 2019, we published an article titled 'Girls Get Most Of Their Genes From Their Maternal Grandmother, Study Reveals'.

The article referenced 'evidence' on the research by Chilean essayist Alejandro Jodorowsky, detailed in his book Metagenealogy: Self-Discovery Through Psychomagic and the Family Tree (ISBN: 9781620551035).

The article went on to list how we inherit most of our looks, temperament, tastes, and even emotions from our maternal grandmothers. It has since come to our attention that this information is false.

We at Craft Factory take fake news very seriously, and want to assure all our readers that our articles are fact-checked strenuously before publishing. Upon discovering this, we removed the article from the site, and we would like to apologize profusely to our readers for any inconvenience caused.

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