
Why You Should Take More Candid Pictures Of Your Spouse And The Kids

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Jul 08, 20195 mins

Why You Should Take More Candid Pictures Of Your Spouse And The Kids

Recently, more and more mothers have been opening up about a phenomenon that has long been ignored in popular culture. If you're a mother, the chances are you'll have no troubles relating.

Basically, moms across the country - and well, all over the world, really - have been scanning their camera rolls and noticing that while there are plenty of adorable photos of their partners with the kids, there are hardly any featuring them with their children.

The thing is, when mothers - who are often the primary caregivers - are going about their day-t0-day life raising their kids, it generally doesn't occur to them to take any snaps.

There are usually more photos of the kids with their grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles when they come round for a visit or vice versa.

Credit: Pexels

And there also tends to be more photos of the kids with their fathers because mothers are typically more likely to take candids.

But just because you, as the children's mother, spend practically every minute of every day with your kids when they're little, it doesn't mean that each 'mundane' moment isn't a special one that you can cherish in the form of photography.

That's why father Clint Edwards is suggesting that fathers should take it upon themselves take more candids of the mother of their children with said children.

In a post on, Edwards revealed why he regrets not taking more pictures of his wife (Mel) and their children:

"I didn’t take nearly as many pictures of my wife as she did of me. Then, periodically, she’d ask why we don’t have very many pictures of her with the kids that aren’t selfies, and instead of taking more pictures, I often end up keeping my mouth shut, when what I really should have been doing is taking pictures like a little ninja, hiding them away, and then showing them to her later so she could feel that same warmth I felt looking at that picture from the fire station. [...]

"Time’s flying by, and frankly, we all deserve pictures of ourselves with our children — even ones that aren’t selfies. [...]

"She deserves to look back and realize she wasn’t as out of shape as she thought, or wasn’t as mean as she remembers, or that the kids weren’t as frustrating and it might have seemed. She deserves to look back and smile and laugh and long for those little smiles and hands and feet."

Credit: Pexels

In addition, mom Allison Slater Tate wrote in detail about the topic in a blog post titled The Mom Stays In The Picture:

"I’m everywhere in their young lives, and yet I have very few pictures of me with them. Someday I won’t be here — and I don’t know if that someday is tomorrow or thirty or forty or fifty years from now — but I want them to have pictures of me. I want them to see the way I looked at them, see how much I loved them. I am not perfect to look at and I am not perfect to love, but I am perfectly their mother.

When I look at pictures of my own mother, I don’t look at cellulite or hair debacles. I just see her — her kind eyes, her open-mouthed, joyful smile, her familiar clothes. That’s the mother I remember. My mother’s body is the vessel that carries all the memories of my childhood. I always loved that her stomach was soft, her skin freckled, her fingers long. I didn’t care that she didn’t look like a model. She was my mama."

It doesn't take much to pull out your phone and snap a few pictures. What seems trivial now could mean the world in a few short years.


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