
Artist Paints Children's Medical Helmets To Help Turn A Tricky Experience Into A Magical One

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Apr 16, 20195 mins

Artist Paints Children's Medical Helmets To Help Turn A Tricky Experience Into A Magical One

It's an unfortunate reality of life that some kids have easier childhoods than others. Whether it's because their parents simply can't afford to give them the best start in life, or because they've got a physical ailment that's stopping them in their tracks.

And while medical science has improved countless lives - young and old - having a physical difference that sets you apart can make growing up that bit harder. That's why artist Paula Strawn began decorating medical helmets. These are worn by many children, usually, because they've been born with a lasting flat spot on their heads, Diply reports.

Thanks to these hats, the condition is reversible, but, unfortunately, most helmets are plain. So to save the kids - which can be as many as one in 10 - from feeling like the odd one out, Paula has been turning them into works of art!

1. This kid's smile really does say it all

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

He looks like a rebel badass and he knows it.

2. Walt himself would approve of Hudson's helmet!

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

Let's just hope that he gets to visit the Happiest Place on Earth one day too.

3. Perfect for any little baseball fan

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

The beauty of this design is that when they're playing the game, it won't look like there's anything different about them at all.

4. Feminine and beautiful

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

Props to this little girl's parents for matching the color of her outfit too!

5. Rocket baby

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

To infinity and beyond!

6. She knows how to slay like a true princess

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

And with a toothy grin like that, she's going to make a great queen one day as well.

7. Pilot baby

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

Flying through the murky waters of a healing skull.

8. Gruffalo helmet

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

"There's no such thing as a Gruffalo?" Right? RIGHT?!

9. Baby Violet's beautiful purple helmet

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

Sometimes having a difference isn't so bad.

10. The Starry Night helmet

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

Van Gogh would approve.

11. To put into context how plain medical helmets usually are...

Credit: Facebook / Lazardo Art And The Art Of Baby Helmet Painting

It literally turned this baby's frown upside down!

What do you think of Paula's helmets? We're all for anything that makes a difficult situation easier for children. This is often done with creativity; take this hospital as a second example, they're letting their little patients drive to surgery!


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