
Parents Of Picky Eaters Can't Believe How This Product Has Revolutionised Their Mealtimes

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 06, 20195 mins

Parents Of Picky Eaters Can't Believe How This Product Has Revolutionised Their Mealtimes

Children are incredibly picky when it comes to food. They haven't lived long enough to realise that the greens they are turning their noses up at could help boost their immune systems. But it certainly isn't just vegetables they take issue with.

Far too often, those little rugrats will do everything to their food apart from actually eating it. They will chuck it across the room, dissect it into tiny pieces - in fact, they might even sneak it inside their pockets.

One issue, of many, that makes children wary of digging into whatever has been laid down before them is that their food is "touching". Many kids - hell, some adults even - simply don't like the idea of the various foods on their plate touching each other.

Credit: Pexels / Naomi Shi

The thing is, it's pretty difficult to ensure the foods on your plate stay separate. It's not like you can just glue it down. And it would be way too impractical to allocate a specific plate for a specific item of food.

But if it remains an issue in your household, you could benefit from using one of these Food Cubby tools. So what exactly are they? They're silicone, FDA-approved, BPA-free dividers that separate the food on your plate.

If this sounds like something that could potentially save you from yet another dining disaster featuring your picky kids, then purchase one from Amazon. They're sold in packs of two in either orange or green. You can even choose between two different sizes to ensure they'll fit on most of your plates.

Credit: Amazon

According to the leading online retailer, it not only acts as a divider, but it also allows you to push food onto your cooking utensils. Plus with a suction cup seal to keep runny food from spreading, what more could you need?

It's not just small children who can benefit from the dividers. Amazon states that they are also "good for special needs, elderly, vision impaired, and occupational therapy needs at mealtime."

Not to mention people who have Brumotactillophobia, which is literally the fear of different foods touching each other. There may not be all that many people out there with the condition but those that do have it are grateful to have a device that prevents their food from touching.

Credit: Amazon

And the benefits of this device don't end there. The dividers can even assist you in maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. It's true!

Amazon explains that the divider can fit up to "1/2 cup of food within its walls" which could help you with portion control. It could also potentially help you in terms of nutritional value. That's because the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that your meal contain quarter portions of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, which you could place inside four of the dividers.

Who knew that a couple of pieces of silicone could do so much for you? The Food Cubby dividers have proved such a success that they are getting rave reviews on Amazon.

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

For $14.99 your child's picky mealtime habits might not be quite so infuriating anymore. And in time, hopefully, they will realise foods touching each other really isn't the end of the world!


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