Painting hacks you are going to want to try with your kids!
By Rozie Powell
Feb 04, 20195 mins
Painting hacks using fun and thrifty materials that you are going to want to try out with your kids! Have a go at making beautiful pictures with these fun activities.
Bottle Painting
Credit: Jungle Creations
You Will Need:
1 x bottle (we used a small, plastic one)
Pour paint onto a palette or paper plate
Dab the end of the bottle in the paint
Then start dabbing onto the paper! Whatever composition you feel like, once done you now have petals!
For the middle part of the flower, dab a paintbrush into a different paint colour, and dot in the middle of the petals.
For extra detail, paint on the leaves, joining the flowers together for a fancy piece of art work.
Finished! Enjoy your cute flower painting!
Cotton Bud Painting
Credit: Jungle Creations
You Will Need:
Cotton Buds
Two shades of pink paint
White paint
Draw or paint a tree base with brown paint.
To add the ‘cherry blossoms’, get dabbing with that cotton bud, into one of the pink shades of paint!
Then start dabbing the paint covered cotton bud onto the tree branches, to reveal beautiful cherry blossoms!
Start introducing the next shade of pink to the mix
Go nuts with paint dabbing!
Dot some white amongst the pink.
You’re all done to admire your beautiful cherry blossom tree!
Paint Splatter Stencilling
You Will Need:
1 x masking tape
Various colours of paint (the more, the better)
Paintbrush (or even a spare toothbrush works too!)
Start by placing tape onto the paper, either in a shape (like the star we made) or random strips!
Squeeze out lots of different paint onto a palette, paper plate (or whatever you have to work as a palette!)
Dip your paintbrush (or toothbrush!) into water, and then into one of the colours of paint
Start splatting the paint onto the paper! Go crazy!
Repeat this motion with other colours of paint and remembering to mix in water now and again (but not too watery).
Once you’re satisfied with the amount of paint splatter, leave to dry.
When it has finished drying, remove the masking tape gently by peeling it off the page.
Enjoy the reveal of your tape drawing/pattern!
Wax Reveal
Credit: Jungle Creations
You Will Need:
1 x wax reveal crayon
Begin by starting to draw your design of choice onto the paper with the crayon.
TIP: Angle the paper in a direction where you can see your drawing more clearly, as it may seem invisible at times.
Then water down your paint (it will cover better this way)
Start painting over your design and watch it magically reveal! (TIP: You may need to use a small dry cloth to wipe at the lines, if they are being covered too much by the paint)
The design could be made into a card, invitation, etc!
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