
Children Prone To Temper Tantrums Grow Up To Be More Successful, Study Finds

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Apr 12, 20195 mins

Children Prone To Temper Tantrums Grow Up To Be More Successful, Study Finds

Contending with temper tantrums is all part of the parcel of being a parent. When kids are young, they simply don't understand that when things don't go their way, there's usually a good reason for it. Eating candy for breakfast will rot their teeth, mom can't afford another toy, and baths are a necessary part of personal hygiene.

While calming down a child who has dramatically thrown themselves down in a supermarket aisle might be hell at the time, it turns out that there's a silver lining to having a naughty kid with a penchant for temper tantrums.

Credit: Pexels

In a survey published in Developmental Psychology, it was found that defiant children were more successful later in life.

According to researchers, the study, "was designed to examine how student characteristics and behaviors in late childhood predict career success in adulthood."

Credit: Pexels

The findings were conducted over a 40 year period, beginning when the children surveyed were 12 years old. They took into consideration their family circumstances and status, intelligence, and performance and behavior at school.

Credit: Pixabay

In layman's terms, this means that because naughty children are willing to fight back when they don't get their way, as they grow up, they're also willing to fight for what they want - only more positive things like career progression rather than the latest must-have toy at the mall.

Great news for any frustrated parents who're at their wits' end!


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