
'My Little Pony' Hair Is Now A Thing And We Encourage You To Unleash Your Inner Rainbow Dash

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 27, 20195 mins

'My Little Pony' Hair Is Now A Thing And We Encourage You To Unleash Your Inner Rainbow Dash

In this age of avid social media use, style trends are constantly cropping up and taking the internet by storm. There are all kinds of nail art, makeup, and hair trends that internet users - predominantly women - share with their followers, often sparking a sort of fashion-based movement online.

Hair trends are particularly popular due to how diverse they are - there are just so many fun and quirky ways you can style your locks. Recently, in fact, increasing numbers of young women have been jumping on the "My Little Pony" craze.

Credit: Instagram / @owayorganics

True to its name, the hairstyle is utterly adorable and incredibly eye-catching. The basic idea is pretty simple although achieving the look on your own may not be as simple.

Credit: Instagram / @chitabeseau

So basically, it involves dying your hair using a range of colours - blue, pink and purple being firm favourites - in order to try and replicate the bright rainbow colours of the My Little Pony gang.

Credit: My Little Pony

It's a look that will inevitably make the wearer stand out, so if you're a bold sort of person and happen to be looking for a brand spanking new hairstyle, then this might just be for you.

Credit: Instagram / @brazilianbondbuilder

The style is also very versatile. You can use whatever combination of colours you have your heart set on - thereby deciding how subtle or otherwise you want the look to be.

If you want the style to be as polished as possible, it's best to arrange for a stylist to work their magic on your tresses. They will be able to blend the various colours so that it doesn't end up looking too chaotic.

Credit: Instagram / @hairbymisskellyo

And it's certainly not just ordinary people who are styling their hair in this way. A number of celebrities have also been seen out with rainbow-coloured locks. Rita Ora and Britney Spears being prime examples.

Credit: Rita Ora / Instagram

So, what are your thoughts on this very vibrant style? Will you be trying it sometime in the future?


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