
Bump-Approved Pool Float Is Here To Make Pregnant Women Comfortable This Summer

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By Craft Factory

Jun 20, 20195 mins

Bump-Approved Pool Float Is Here To Make Pregnant Women Comfortable This Summer

Pregnancy is uncomfortable. Between the swollen ankles and back pain, you deserve a break by the pool. Cozy Bump sells their inflatable pool float and mattress on Amazon for $74.99 with free shipping.

The inflatable device includes a hole for a baby bump, an indent for the face and chest, and a hip raiser and leg decline. One side of the float has a smaller-sized hole than the other, accommodating all women no matter how far along they are in their pregnancy.

cozy bump float Credit: Cozy Bump

The inflatable pillow allows women to lounge while getting massages, facilitates pregnancy exercises, and assists in getting a back tan by the pool. It also is OBGYN and chiropractor-approved - and has several other benefits.

The pillow helps to relieve back, shoulder, hip pain and pressure, while relaxing on the pillow in the optimal birthing position allegedly aids in reducing the need for c-sections and increases blood flow.

cozy bump float Credit: Cozy Bump

The Amazon description for the product reads:

"Helps relieve your back/shoulder pain - Our patented design allows gravity to kick in to decompress your spine & help relieve pain during pregnancy

Finally get rest, relieve stress - Studies show that better sleep can decrease stress

Helps reduce C-sections & painful labor - Research shows laying on the belly with raised hips & lowered legs helps move the baby to the optimal birthing position (head down) [sic]."

Cozy Bump float Credit: Cozy Bump

Cozy Bump's website details the benefits of similar pre-birthing practices:

"The Cozy Bump Swaddle is similar to the traditional Mexican and Guatemalan fabric called 'Rebozo'," they claim. "The Robozo has been used for thousands of years to help with back discomfort. The Cozy Bump is similar to the Rebozo in that it helps the belly from pulling on the back"

Cozy Bump float Credit: Cozy Bump

The Cozy Bump includes a baby swaddle, an inflate valve and a deflate opening, but make sure to bring your own pump!

Cozy Bump also sells a gift set on their website, which includes a massage ball roller, an inflator, and pregnancy tape.

Say goodbye to uncomfortable stomach sleeping!

This article originally appeared on


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