
M&S Easter Treats

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Emily Habin

Mar 30, 20215 mins

M&S Easter Treats

M&S Easter Nest Centrepiece 


  1. Bring in a bowl with shredded wheat bars in and crush up with fingers
  2. Then bring in melted choc and pour on top
  3. Mix together
  4. Put to one side and bring in foil sheet and shape into a bowl 
  5. Pour in the mix and use the bottom of a bowl to press a dent in the middle
  6. Leave to set
  7. Once set peel off the foil 
  8. Put the chocolatey egg in the middle
  9. Add decorations to the nest such as edible leaves, flowers, Colin Caterpillar faces and M&S mini chocolate eggs



  • Small and large bowl 
  • Roll of tin foil 
  • Spoon 
  • Cake board or a plate



  • Shredded wheat bars
  • Melted chocolate (the same quantity as your shredded wheat) 
  • Extremely Chocolatey Egg
  • Colin Caterpillar faces and M&S mini chocolate eggs to decorate


M&S Kylie Koala Log Cake


  1. Bring in a chocolate roll and put on one end onto a plate. 
  2. Buttercream the sides with chocolate frosting
  3. Put Kylie Koala to one side of the log. 
  4. Take a sheet of parchment paper and pour melted chocolate onto it, spread it out to a thin layer with a spoon or palette knife. 
  5. Roll it up carefully and pop in the fridge, when it is set use a rolling pin to hit the side of it to crack it and then unroll to see all the lovely chocolate bark pieces. 
  6. Decorate the chocolate log tree with the pieces of chocolate bark. 
  7. Add some final touches to it with piped buttercream leaves and edible flowers.



  • Parchment paper
  • Spoon or palette knife
  • Plate or cake board



  • M&S Kylie Koala 
  • Chocolate roll
  • Chocolate Buttercream 
  • Melted chocolate
  • Green buttercream and chocolate curls to decorate


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