
Mom Takes To Pinterest After Doctors Said Her Baby Was Too Small For Wheelchair

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By Craft Factory

Apr 12, 20195 mins

Mom Takes To Pinterest After Doctors Said Her Baby Was Too Small For Wheelchair

Life can be cruel, and some people have it a lot harder than others from the outset. There's so much to enjoy in this world, but when you have a disability, you're automatically denied many of life's simple pleasures. And while technology has undoubtedly improved the lives of many disabled people, it's clear that we still have a long way to go.

Case in point, baby Evelyn Moore from Edmonton, Canada. When she was just four months old, she was diagnosed with cancer, and while she beat the disease and went into remission, she was left paralyzed below the arms.

Credit: Lisa Arneill

At the time, doctors advised Eveyln's parents to let her try to learn how to crawl around using her arms until she was old enough for a wheelchair (sadly, baby wheelchairs aren't really a thing), but not wanting her to be restricted in this way, her crafty mom Kim decided to make her one using a Bumbo floor seat and Pinterest.

Credit: Amazon

In addition to the seat, Eveyln's parents bought a kitchen cutting board and children's bike wheels - all of which came to a total of around $100.

They're now saving up for a proper wheelchair, but they've said that their effort and hard work has totally paid off and instead of crawling around, Evelyn has become a pro at using her DIY chair.

Credit: Jason Franson

"She really gets around now," Kim said in an interview with The Star.

"She went backwards first and then she went forwards, and then she figured out how to turn," Kim added. "And now we have a speed bump in the middle of our living room because she just goes that fast."

To see how fast Evelyn could race when she was just 13 months old, check out the video below: 

According to Kim, she was told by doctors that Evelyn would have to "army crawl" around until the age of two; something she said "wasn't a good enough answer" as she wanted her daughter to be as mobile as possible.

Then, while sourcing the internet, she discovered a DIY wheelchair on Pinterest and her husband Brad set to work.

Credit: Jason Franson

Evelyn's thrived since getting her chair, impressing her parents and medical professionals alike. Dr. Bev Wilson, a pediatric oncologist, said he had never seen someone as young as Evelyn use a wheelchair before.

"She looked like any adult or older child would in a wheelchair," he said. "She was turning around in circles, backing up."

"Normally, she would be propped in a chair or a seat or a stroller somewhere. This has allowed her to explore her environment just like a crawling child would," the doctor continued.

Credit: Jason Franson

Now, Evelyn's father, Brad, is hoping that her extraordinary start in life will prove to her later down the life that she can do anything:

"The willpower that she has, and how adaptable she is to her situation, is something I never really expected. And how quickly she's grasping it has really blown me away."

"Nothing can stop her."


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