
Mom Creates Gorgeous Works Of Art Out Of Her Toddler's Chaotic Doodles

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 14, 20195 mins

Mom Creates Gorgeous Works Of Art Out Of Her Toddler's Chaotic Doodles

Amongst other things, being a parent is about encouraging your children and fostering in them a sense of achievement. And that is particularly true in their very early years. Little kids are incredibly impressionable and require a good balance of praise and constructive guidance.

It is for that reason that when a kid draws a picture that isn't particularly aesthetically pleasing by most people's standards, their parents will very enthusiastically express how delighted they are by said kid's amateur artwork.

And talented artist and mother Ruth Oosterman is no different. Oosterman has a two-year-old daughter named Eve and the two of them are working together to produce a range of very impressive paintings.

Little Eve starts her part of the collaborative process by doodling on a piece of paper and her mother takes over from there.

Credit: Ruth Oosterman

Oosterman completely transforms the scribbles into gorgeous drawings of animals, scenes in nature and whatever else she can muster from the doodled canvas she has been given. She also adds colour to the drawings in order to add to their appeal.

Credit: Ruth Oosterman

The talented mother posts before and after photos of the drawings on her blog, The Mischievous Mommy

"I try to work quickly and let imagination and play take root into the painting rather than taking it [too] seriously, this way I can encourage Eve's contribution without making it [too] "grownup," she explains on her blog.

Credit: Ruth Oosterman

"As a child, there is no box. It is just endless freedom to explore any and every possible avenue of creativity and adventure," she wrote in another. "Although children look up to us for guidance and instruction it is equally as important that we take time off from our busy lives to just sit and listen to them, no matter how strange their ideas may seem."

Credit: Ruth Oosterman

"The possibilities are endless and I LOVE being able to do this with her," Oosterman wrote of her relationship with her daughter.

Credit: Ruth Oosterman

Well done to Ruth Oosterman for coming up with one hell of a way to bond with your toddler.

Check out one of the time-lapse videos she made featuring the process in its entirety:


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