
Mom Comforts Her Son With The Perfect Song After Bullies Attacked His Dark Skin

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Dec 18, 20185 mins

Mom Comforts Her Son With The Perfect Song After Bullies Attacked His Dark Skin

Although it would be wonderful if racism and, well, any other form of prejudice completely ceased to exist, unfortunately, that's an ideal world that we simply don't live in. The situation that many people of colour find themselves in 2018 is, of course, nowhere near as bad as it was before the US Civil Rights movement which took place in the 1950s and 60s, but there is still a long way to go.

To believe that race-related issues are a thing of the past would be to disregard the struggles that many people with darker skin tones - including young children - face on a daily basis. Nearly every day we hear stories about those from ethnic minority backgrounds being subjected to instances of prejudice and discrimination.

And this six-year-old boy is a prime example of this.

Credit: Instagram / Briana Hampton

A mother from Georgia has been doing her best to comfort her six-year-old son after it emerged he had been bullied for having a darker skin tone than the other kids at his school.

Briana Hampton shared a video to her Instagram page of her holding her young son's hand while mouthing the words to 'Why I Love You' by Major as it played in the background. While she sings to her son, he can be seen crying, clearly overwhelmed by the whole situation.

The mother-of-four included a very heartwarming caption alongside the video, explaining what her son had been going through at school and that she had found the "perfect song" to express how much she loves him.

It reads:

"My son has been bullied at school and kids have been teasing him about his dark skin. Me and my husband @_latruth always say son your handsome and those kids are mad their not you.

Today I found the perfect song to tell my son how much I love him! I love you Isaiah your handsome and chocolate. The lady’s love chocolate men too. Ain’t that right ladies?"

Credit: Instagram / Briana Hampton

In an earlier post, the doting mother talked in greater detail about the despair she felt concerning Isaiah's situation:

"I am absolutely saddened that my child is being bullied because of his skin colour! He should not be depressed at 6! 6 years old and said because of hurt kids hurting kids! Please love on your children and tell them they don't have to be bullies to get attention. Please, I'm begging you!"

Credit: Instagram / Briana Hampton

In the caption to the same post, Hampton wrote about how she hoped Isaiah would one day feel pride in his race in spite of the hateful comments he has received because of it:

"I just want my happy little boy back! The son I use to know smiling and dancing. It kills my soul every time I pick him up from school and he says he doesn’t have any friends or he’s always crying.

I want my son to fall back in love with himself the king he’s growing into and the black man he should be proud to be one day. I’m going to continue to uplift him, love him and pray for him and help fight these battles he’s having with being in his own skin."

Credit: Instagram / Briana Hampton

"My young king is handsome and I’m gonna tell him that every day until he’s conceited with his skin colour!!!" She added in another post. "It’s crazy because when I asked him about the racial people comments at school he said 'Mommy I don’t see colour. I just see people'. That truly melted my heart."

Credit: Instagram / Briana Hampton

What Isaiah has been forced to endure at the tender age of six is absolutely appalling. We can only hope the children responsible for belittling him based on his outer appearance will one day learn the error of their ways. We hope, too, that Isaiah grows up to be a confident young man in spite of what the haters have to say.


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