
Target is releasing Halloween Costumes For Kids In Wheelchairs

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By Craft Factory

Jul 16, 20195 mins

Target is releasing Halloween Costumes For Kids In Wheelchairs

There's no doubt that Halloween is one of America's favourite holidays - especially for kids. Okay, so Christmas is when they get their presents, and Thanksgiving has the best food, and those Fourth of July fireworks are always an impressive spectacle. But there's nothing kids love more than getting the chance to dress up in costume and go door-to-door trick-or-treating.

They don't even need to wear a scary costume. Gone are the days when a small child would have to make do with two holes cut into an old and musty bedsheet. Now there are all kinds of awesome costumes out there, so if your child wants to be a princess or a superhero, they can, as there are plenty of options available.

However, for disabled children - such as those reliant on crutches and wheelchairs for mobility - the choices for Halloween are sadly a little bit more limited. This isn't just because there's a lack of visibility for disabled people in popular culture at large. It's more due to the fact that costume manufacturers haven't given disabled kids a chance.

Indeed, when it comes to costumes, it's a sad truth that they can often be left feeling sidelined. But thankfully, a major retailer now has the answer.

That's right, Target has finally answered the prayers of anyone hoping for a costume that caters to their needs this year, by releasing special Halloween costume accessories designed for disabled kids who use wheelchairs. As of now, there are two options available: a pirate costume and a princess costume, both of which come complete with materials to turn the wheelchair into an enchanted castle or a nautical galleon respectively.

The item description for the pirate costume states: "This boys’ pirate costume is thoughtfully designed with openings in the back that lend ease of dressing, along with leg openings that are wide enough to put the pants on while keeping shoes on — perfect for giving kids who use wheelchairs an extra hand and a sense of comfort."

Meanwhile, the princess costume reads: "This Halloween wheelchair costume is designed to look just like a princess carriage, with a purple-blue and grey colour scheme adorned with intricately detailed scrollwork — it even includes decorative covers for the wheelchair for a complete finish. A simple way to dress up most sizes of wheelchairs, it can easily be attached using the hook-and-loop closures for a secure fit."

If you'd like to purchase either of these awesome costumes, then why not shoot over to Target's official online store and grab them?


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