Have fun learning the alphabet with these clever fingerprint doodles!

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Rozie Powell

Feb 15, 20195 mins

Have fun learning the alphabet with these clever fingerprint doodles!

In our video we show how to create drawings with just your fingerprint and conjure up an entire Alphabet’s worth of ideas!



Fingerprint Alphabet

You Will Need:

  • Ink pads
  • Marker Pens
  • Paper
  • Your Imagination!



The premise is pretty simple, dab your fingerprint into an ink pad and then onto the paper. We used washable fingerprint specific ones, so that little fingers and clothes don’t get stained. Next, grab a marker and start drawing more details on to it, such as making it into a dog! Or even the queen! We advise having some wipes on hand to clean up hands between colours. Feel free to share what you come up with on the comments on this video. We would love to see what you create!


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