Cake decorating hacks to wow your friends and family. If you are a beginner cake decorator these tips can really help you learn new skills whilst not spending money on expensive tools.
Sprinkle Number Decoration
Credit: Jungle Creations
You will need:
Circle cutter
Number cutter
Buttercream cake
Get your freshly buttercreamed cake and place the number cutter on top of it lightly.
Pour sprinkles into the middle of the cutter and press down lightly onto the sprinkles with a brush so they fully adhere to the cake.
Remove the cutter to reveal your number perfectly made up of sprinkles.
You can also do the same with a circle cutter, place the large circle cutter over the number and pour sprinkle around the sides of the cutter to create a frame of sprinkles.
There you have it! You can also use any cutter for this, star shapes, cute animals, anything! It’s a clever trick that will impress the friends and family.
Easy Fondant Roses
Credit: Jungle Creations
You will need:
Plastic sleeve used for paper
Cut off two sides of the plastic sleeve so that it opens like a book.
Take 7 pieces of fondant, roll one into a sausage shape and the rest into balls.
Open up the sleeve and place the shapes of fondant inside, close the sleeve over the top of them.
Using the side of your thumb or fingertip press down on 3 sides of the sausage shape, smoothing it so it tapers down. Make sure your press down on the edges so they will be thin but don’t press down too much so the whole shape is flat.
Do the same to the six ball shapes, you should have six shapes that look like petals and one that is a more stretched out petal.
Open up the sleeve and pick up the sausage petal, roll it across so it looks like the middle of a rose.
Pick up a ‘petal’ and stick it round one side of the rose centre, leaving a part of it unstuck, this is where your next petal will start.
Stick another petal next to it, so they overlap slightly and continue with a third. Now you have the middle section of your rose.
Stick the final three petals around this.
Use your finger and thumb to gently shape the edges of the rose to add definition.
Leave the roses to set, then you can use them you decorate cupcakes and cakes!
DIY Shape Scraper
Credit: Jungle Creations
You will need:
Plastic shape scraper
Freshly Buttercreamed Cake
Cut a piece of card slightly bigger than your cake scraper and cut a scalloped shape from one of the longer sides.
Cover this in sellotape.
Take this piece of card and attach it to your cake scraper with tape.
Get your freshly buttercreamed cake and use the scraper to create a fun pattern in the sides of your cake. Keep the scraper flat to the cake board and add more buttercream if the scraper takes off too much and you see the sponge underneath.
You can make lots of different shapes and patterns this way, if you give it a go we’d love to see them in the comments on our video!
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