Adorable Easter Cupcakes!

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Rozie Powell

Mar 22, 20195 mins

Adorable Easter Cupcakes!

Super easy cupcakes to make this Easter for your friends and family!

Bunny Ears Cupcakes

Credit: Jungle Creations

You will need:

  • Marshmallows
  • Sprinkles
  • Cupcakes
  • Scissors
  • Buttercream
  • Green food colouring
  • Piping bag and grass nozzle



  1. Cut a marshmallow in half.
  2. Dab the cut end of the marshmallow into a plate of sprinkles
  3. Pipe the ‘grass’ onto the cupcake.
  4. Place the mallows into the piped grass. Ta-Dah! Cute little bunnies ears poking out the grass!


Sunflower Cupcakes

Credit: Jungle Creations

You will need:

  • Cupcakes
  • Orange food colouring
  • Buttercream
  • Piping bag and nozzle
  • Large chocolate buttons


  1. Pipe layers of petals on to the cupcake.
  2. Place a chocolate button in the middle of the petals
  3. Nice and simple, they are done (and super delicious)!


Carrot Cupcakes

You will need:

  • Muffins
  • Piping bag and nozzle
  • Knife
  • Green food colouring
  • Brown food colouring
  • Orange food colouring



  1. Cut a hole out of the middle of the muffin.  
  2. Pipe orange buttercream into the hole to create the carrot.
  3. Spread brown buttercream around the carrot top to make a delicious muddy effect.
  4. Using the green buttercream, pipe two ‘leaves’ on top of the carrot.
  5. Cut into the cupcake to reveal the carrot!


Chick Cupcakes

You Will Need:

  • Cupcakes
  • Piping bag and nozzle
  • Yellow food colouring
  • Buttercream
  • Chocolate beans
  • Edible eyes



  1. With the yellow buttercream, pipe two blobs on top of each other, onto the cupcake, the bottom one bigger than the top.
  2. Push a chocolate bean into the top blob for the 'beak'.
  3. Add eyes and eyebrows (whatever edible in your cake cupboard will work!)
  4. Give the chick some feet (we used small edible stars).
  5. Add some wings! (we used orange chocolate buttons).


Sheep Cupcakes

Credit: Jungle Creations

You will need:

  • Vanilla Buttercream
  • Cupcakes
  • White mini marshmallows
  • Brown fondant
  • Edible eyes
  • Cocktail stick


  1. Pipe dollop of buttercream onto cupcake.
  2. Smush mini marshmallows into buttercream all over the cupcake, leaving one space for the sheep’s head.
  3. Roll a ball of brown fondant into an oval shape and stick into it’s space on the cupcake.
  4. Stick on edible eyes with dab of water.
  5. Finally, poke two nostrils into the head with the cocktail stick and you have one cute sheep!




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