
Adorable Chubby Girl Is Dubbed China's 'Michelin Baby' Because Of Fat Rolls

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By Craft Factory

Apr 05, 20195 mins

Adorable Chubby Girl Is Dubbed China's 'Michelin Baby' Because Of Fat Rolls

Baby fat, for many, is an inevitable and welcome reality of life. However, when it comes to the chub department, some babies really outdo others. In fact, while most babies have fat rolls of some sort, when there are so many that they start to resemble the Michelin Man, they could potentially be diagnosed with Michelin tire baby syndrome.

Yes, we are as surprised as you that it's a thing.

One baby suspected to have the rare condition - of which there are only 20 reported cases - is six-month-old Xue Yuyan. She weighs 12.5 kilograms (27.5 pounds), which means she's one third-heavier than other Chinese babies her age.

Credit: Kuaishou / @516050078

When videos of her were posted on the Chinese social media website Kuaishou by her mother, people began to refer to the six-month-old as the "Michelin Man" because of the many rolls of fat on her skin.

But despite her being dubbed after the French tire manufacturer, Yuyan's father, Xue Lei, who is from the north-eastern  Jilin Province, said that his daughter is perfectly healthy, the Daily Mail reports.

Credit: Kuaishou / @516050078

In an interview with BJ News cited by the Daily Mail, he said: "She eats well, drinks well and sleeps well every day."

Credit: Kuaishou / @516050078

He revealed that he has his own nickname for his child, "pomelo".

This is a large citrus fruit native to South and Southeast Asia, Wikipedia revealed. Lei said that he chose the name because "she looks like a pomelo".

Credit: Kuaishou / @516050078

Lei's wife has been documenting Yuyan's early life on the Chinese social media where she has become a sensation, racking up millions of views.

While Lei believes that Yuyan is perfectly healthy right now, he has admitted that she does have concerns about her future growth and the risk that she could potentially become overweight.

Credit: Kuaishou / @516050078

The six-month-old's fat rolls haven't had a medical explanation yet, either. However, her father said that he plans to take her to a doctor in the near future.

"I'll take her to the hospital for a check-up in a day or two because I am a little concerned," he said, The Sun reported.

Credit: Kuaishou / @516050078

Lei described his daughter as he and his wife's "spiritual support".


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