15 Crafts You Can Make And Sell From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Feb 11, 20195 mins

15 Crafts You Can Make And Sell From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

In the age of Pinterest and Esty, just about anyone with an internet connection has the potential to be a small business owner. Whether that involves selling skills like web or graphic design, or making unique one-of-a-kind goods and building yourself an audience you know will love them. That's why many crafty wizards are now able to make a living, or, at the very least, some extra pocket money, by putting their talents to good use, and even if you're a novice crafter, it doesn't mean you can't too.

See, when people go online shopping, it's the unusual which catches their eye. After all, no one wants to live in a house decorated with the same items as everyone else, and once you know that, you can really use it to your advantage by creating goods that the Average Joe most likely hasn't seen before. So, without further ado, here are 15 crafts you can make and sell at home.

1. Postable birthday sponges


Is distance separating you and your bestie on their big day? Or do you simply want to create a truly unique birthday decoration? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, or you see the potential for other people to say yes, then you have to try making this DIY sponge card at home. With a steady hand, you can create a birthday gift that will really make an impression.

2. Dog biscuits

Credit: Sally's Baking Addiction

It's no secret that people are paying closer and closer attention to what's in their food, and why shouldn't you apply this to your pet too? To ensure that they, or your audience's pets, get the best possible treats, try out this DIY dog biscuit recipe.

3. Strawberry Lip Balm


Another item which people are consciously paying more attention to the ingredients of is makeup. No one wants to risk a breakout because they've worn cosmetics with questionable ingredients, or worse, damage to their skin. So if you're an aspiring producer of ethical cosmetics, this DIY strawberry lip balm craft could be just what you need to start your small business.

4. Crayon candles


These days, you can spend anything from $1 to $100 on a candle, and with so much on offer, it can be hard to decide what will not only look great but be cost effective too. That's why these DIY crayon candles are such a good idea. They can be made with your kids' leftover crayons and turned into an upcycled object that you can easily sell for a fair few dollars on sites like Esty.

5. Dog bow ties


If there's one thing which people will happily splash out on, it's their pets. And unfortunately, the collars sold in pet stores are pretty generic, which presents a great opportunity for crafters who're able to successfully execute the DIY above!

6. Hair clips


Another item which people are more than willing to buy when it's customized are hair clips. Perhaps they've bought a vintage dress at a charity store and can't find anything suitable on the highstreet to accompany it. In which case, their first port of call will most likely be craft pages on the likes of Instagram, hoping that they can find the perfect accessory.

7. Coasters


Christmas is a time of excess, and as we all know, this can take a real toll on our bankbooks. That's why people look for alternate more economical decorations online. So why not put those spare tiles to good use and turn them into Christmas coasters?

8. Personalized mugs


Home is where the heart is and it's also where personalized objects are. Most of us can attest to having a favorite mug, and despite being quite genetic gifts, there's no denying that they're appreciated, and luckily for us crafters, are super easy to make.

9. Candy cane soap bars


As is the case with cosmetics, people want to know what's in the products they apply to their skin, and it's not just big stores that can make soap. Oh no. It's actually surprisingly simple to do yourself by following tutorials like this one.

10. Make your own DIY postcards


The great thing about postcards (and birthday cards!) is that you don't necessarily need to be able to draw or paint to make them. All you need is, say, a keen eye for photography, or even the ability to pick out the perfect images to turn into a collage!

11. Jute bags


Have you always wanted to learn how to sew? Then perhaps you can motivate yourself to finally invest in a sewing machine with the knowledge that if you create your own dute bag designs, you can easily sell them for a decent markup online!

12. Phone cases/holders


While phone cases are easily and cheaply available, a design flaw that most of them have is that they don't support your phone while it's charging. Thankfully, if you're a crafter, this is a problem you can easily solve and use it to make some cash!

13. Jewelry


One of the easiest things that any crafter can make is jewelry. You can take inspiration from anywhere - whether it's old beads you find on a less than flattering necklace in a charity store, or even nature. As long as your creations are unique, you'll be able to sell them because people love wearing jewelry, so this is a great way to make more than some extra pocket money.

14. Spoap dishes


Clay is incredibly cheap to buy and customize. So why not think of some wonderful puns like the person above and add customizable soap dishes to the items on offer at your small business? Here is a tutorial if you are looking for more inspiration!

15. Art


It doesn't matter what you create, if it looks good, there's going to be a market for it online. Sure, being an artist can be tough at times, but these days, if you work hard enough and build up your audience, your creations can and will make you money.

So, if you're a crafter or an inspiring one, if there's anything to be learned from this list, it's this: create something unique or useful and you can easily turn your hobby into a small business online. Are you a crafty small business owner already? If the answer's yes, share your wisdom with others in the comments section! Small business owners unite!


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