
These Teachers Have Decorated Their Classrooms For Black History Month In The Most Amazing Way

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Feb 12, 20195 mins

These Teachers Have Decorated Their Classrooms For Black History Month In The Most Amazing Way

It's an unfortunate reality of human history that less than a century ago, racial divisions were rife - with people of color legally unable to enter certain establishments, schools, and professions, all because of their race. And while we have taken a number of positive steps to make racism a thing of the past, it's still very much an issue. Black people, for example, account for a mere 13% of the population in the US, but 31% of those killed by police brutality in 2012 were black, according to Vox.

That's why Black History Month is so important. It's a chance for people of color to not only celebrate the insurmountable victories they have overcome in the fight against racism, but to celebrate their culture, achievements, and contributions to society. Historically, black people's history has been erased, so this event is an important chance to celebrate their achievements and teach everyone the important role they've played in human history, despite the persecution they've suffered.

Now, to help the younger generation learn more about Black History, which has historically been left out of academic settings, teachers are decorating their classroom doors in celebration of this important event which began in 1926.

1. Black women really are fashionistas

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

From the Somalian model Iman to Tyra Banks, black women have really made their mark on the fashion and modeling worlds.

2. This teacher turned her door into a celebration of herself for Black History Month

Credit: Instagram / @takachanique

And that, my friends, is how you slay like a true queen.

"It's black history month and it's like a holiday over here at Lake Alfred Elementary. Here is this years door and if you scroll you'll see last years. Shout out to my #Artclub babies for twisting this paper into dreads (The real mvps). She's got her gold clips, yarn wrapped around her dreads and baby hairs and she's ready to go. We are excited to share our projects with you guys [sic]."

3. This teacher went a step further and used her door to celebrate herself and other important black heroes!

Credit: Instagram / @takachanique

How many famous faces do you immediately recognize?!

4. This teacher incorporated roots into her door display

Credit: Twitter / @TUCKNATION

Someone needs to give this woman a medal for her creativity.

5. The teacher who paid tribute to her younger self and wrote this touching message

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

"All I do is think about how brave this little girl was, how this little girl managed to hold onto her dreams despite the challenges she faced! I use to be selling sugarless kool-aide and old halloween candy on Alexander St in Newark! Playing school in my best friends's basement because teaching made me happy and it suppressed my reality temporarily...I would literally cry out to GOD because I didn't want to boil water every night to take a hot bath and questioned GOD why I had to live like that! Because of her I'm EVERYTHING I am today resilient, motivated, inspirational, hardworking, one Bomb momma, dedicated, GOD FEARING, loveable, crazy, crafty, talented, smart... because of her the devil can NEVER steal my joy... growing up I had no real role model... my 8yr old self is the person I admire the most... at such a young age I knew my trials and tribulations was only temporary and here I am today! One day I hope I’ll get a call from one of my students expressing how I inspired them! [sic]" - Ida Shuler

6. Now that's what I call a fro!

Credit: Twitter / @__noahnextdoor

"My older cousin is an elementary school teacher and this is how he decided to decorate his door for Black history month! This is so dope!" wrote Twitter user @__noahnextdoor alongside the picture above.

7. Some of the world's greatest musicians have been black

Credit: Instagram / @ktatuem

This door is a stunning tribute to their contribution to the arts.

8. This is a very clever way of celebrating Black History's men and women

Credit: Instagram / @bellv.ricvn

Unfortunately, however, despite having wonderful intentions, this door was deemed "too controversial" but this teacher didn't care.

"I decorated my classroom door at work for black history month and it turned out to be beautiful. my boss told me i couldn’t put it up because it was 'too controversial' and she didn't wanna receive any backlash from it but i put it up anyway [sic]," they wrote.

9. This stunning afro must have taken ages to make

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

But boy was the effort worth it!

10. This teacher didn't just make a giant 'fro, they painted a beautiful elaborate face too!

Credit: Instagram / @ktatuem

I love how important figures from Black History have been used to make this woman's dress.

11. Celebrating Black History heroes - past and present!

Credit: Instagram / @strokesbysms

I love the colors in this hair!

12. The heroes of black history have shown bravery most of us couldn't imagine

Credit: Instagram / @isapartycreations

"Our classroom door is complete. My first graders read and learned all about Brave Ruby Bridges and wrote about how they have been brave like her. I always kick off black history month by sharing the story of Ruby Bridges because it is one that I feel that my students will identify with. . . Ruby Nell Bridges made history as a six-year-old entering first grade in 1960 when she became the first African American student to desegregate a formerly all-white school in New Orleans. . . My students had fun crumbling up the paper to make her hair."

13. I love the butterflies!

Credit: Twitter / @leandravasquez

Clearly, for some teachers, their door isn't big enough to help them celebrate Black History Month!

14. Newspaper clippings to show how far we've come

Credit: Instagram / @ktatuem

The only way we can avoid making the same mistakes twice is to heed history's harshest lessons.

15. Black Power

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

Because without black power, who knows where society would be today?

16. The creativity on this one is off the scale

Credit: Instagram / @nn_books_and_tea_

I love how the picture of the Obamas is the biggest. I don't imagine Obama's successor will be celebrated in the same way...

17. Those little Africa earnings are to die for

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

And props to the teacher for making her crown and dress match.

18. This teacher decided to decorate not one but two doors

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

And even the wall in-between!

19. This is definitely one of the most creative displays on this list...

Credit: Instagram / @smileprettypenny

Why decorate one side of a door when you can decorate both, eh?

20. This is definitely one of my favorite representations of afro hair

Credit: Instagram / @johannamcdaniel

"My husband and I decorated his classroom door for Black History Month," wrote its creator on Instagram. Don't they make a handsome pair?!

 21. Magic and joy

Credit: Instagram / @rachaelraerach

"Don't touch my hair."

22. There's commitment to the 'fro and, then there's commitment

Credit: Instagram / @royalteemag

Whoever created this is the hands-down winner of the best 'fro on their door.

23. This teacher used her door to put her students' knowledge of Black History to the test...

Credit: Instagram / @therealsherrice

"I was crowned 2nd BLACK Miss USA on February 19, 199,3 representing Michigan. I am also a famous actress. You may recall my TWIRL & Gone with the wind fabulous quotes.. Who Am I? [sic]" she wrote.

24. Isn't it wonderful that we live in a world where every race can celebrate what makes them unique?

Credit: Instagram / @yale4health

Everyone should be glad to be themselves.

25. Simple, but still effective

Credit: Twitter / @LuceroLugo0730

Heroism, determination, strength, courage - all displayed on one door.

Black History Month 2019 is of particular importance because, as CNN notes, it's the 400th anniversary of 19 enslaved Africans being brought to North America - an act which signaled the dawn of one of the darkest and most horrific chapters in human history.

Since then, black people have thankfully obtained the equality they rightfully deserve in many areas, but racism is far from being a thing of the past, and serious work still needs to be done to give black history the acknowledgment it deserves.


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