
The Incredible Moment An Unborn Baby Waves To Its Mom From The Womb

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Apr 03, 20195 mins

The Incredible Moment An Unborn Baby Waves To Its Mom From The Womb

One of the most exciting moments in an expectant parent's life is seeing their unborn child on an ultrasound for the first time. And thanks to modern technology, the images that are being projected are more advanced than ever before.

Lucy Bearley and Stuart Barrett from Berkshire, England, however, got a lot more than they bargained for when they had a 4D ultrasound scan of their unborn, 28-week-old baby in February of last year.

Unbelievably, the baby appeared to WAVE to them from the womb: 

Recounting the incredible incident to the Daily Mail, Lucy said: "I was laying on my side so it was difficult to see much really. Stuart suddenly said he thought he saw him waving so we asked the lady to rewind the footage."

"Luckily she had caught the moment and sure enough when we looked there he was, not only waving but turning to look right at us.

"It was really lovely to see but I think we're definitely doing to have a little showman on our hands. He's obviously a bit of an attention seeker.

 "The sonographer said she'd never seen anything like it before."

Credit: Pexels

Stuart said of the footage: "We've showed midwives since and they said it was a very unusual thing to see too. Especially with it being so synchronized by waving and looking at the same time."

"It's like he was doing his own thing and then decided to give us a proper hello so we would leave him alone.

"The reaction has been split really. Half the people we show say it's really cute and half the people say it's scary and we'll need to perform an exorcism as soon as he comes out."

Lucy and Stuart's son was born on the 11th of March 2018.


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