How to make absolutely awesome jar crafts

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Rozie Powell

Feb 01, 20195 mins

How to make absolutely awesome jar crafts

These cute crafts using jars are super useful; whether you are looking to organise your ribbons, show off a family pic or make some fancy lights!

Pebble Light Jar

Credit: Jungle Creations

You Will Need:

  • 1 x Mason Jar
  • A pack of clear pebbles
  • 1 x fairy lights
  • 1 x glue gun


  1. Simply start by gluing the pebbles onto the outside of the jar.
  2. Cover the whole surface area of the jar with pebbles.
  3. Pop the lights inside the jar.
  4. Ta-Dah! You have yourself a light with a cool pebble effect!


Photo Frame Vase Jar

Credit: Jungle Creations

You Will Need:

  • 1 x Mason Jar
  • 1 x Sticker Label/masking tape
  • Spray paint 


  1. Make sure the jar is clean, inside and out.
  2. Place sticker (rectangle or another shape of your choice!) onto the middle of the jar (or wherever you would like the photo to be seen)
  3. Spray the entire bottle the colour of your choice.
  4. Peel off the sticker to reveal that area to be paint free!
  5. Neaten up any excess that may have gone through the sticker, by scraping with a scalpel, or wiping with a wet cloth.
  6. Place in photo, stick against the sides if needed.
  7. Add a cheeky ribbon or anything else for a bit of extra fanciness!
  8. Now it’s ready to be used as a vase, or even a stationery or brushes pot!

Ribbon Reel Jar

Credit: Jungle Creations

You Will Need:

  • 1 x Jar (Of your choice, we used a large jam jar)
  • 1 x Rod
  • Various Ribbon reels (As many as you can fit on the rod)
  • 1 x Cardboard
  • 1 x Scalpel


  1. Begin, by popping the middle out of the mason jar lid.
  2. Cut a circle out of the cardboard, the right size to fit into the mason jar lid (Basically replacing the middle that was removed beforehand).
  3. Putting the circle to one side, start threading the ribbon reels onto the rod.
  4. Place the rod with ribbons on, into the jar, leaving trails of each ribbon out of the jar.
  5. Get that cardboard circle back involved, by slicing small rectangles (the same amount to the amount of ribbon you have) with a scalpel.
  6. Put this piece of cardboard in the mason jar lid (gluing one side if it doesn’t neatly secure in place)
  7. Start threading the ribbon through the cardboard slits.
  8. Place the lid securely on the jar.
  9. You are done! And can now enjoy reaching for your ribbons in an organised fashion!

TOP TIP!  We used a metal rod, just shorter than the jar, but you could also use a chopstick, or something of a similar shape and thickness.

Character Baby Jar Lights

Credit: Jungle Creations

You Will Need:

  • 1 x Baby Jar
  • Paint of your choice
  • Marker Pens
  • 1 x Tea Light


  1. Pour paint into jar
  2. Pop on the lid securely and start shaking the jar to cover it’s interior in paint!
  3. On the outside of the jar, begin to draw on your chosen character face with the marker pen.
  4. Add more details with other colours if necessary.
  5. Once the inside of the jar is dry, place a tea light inside.

TOP TIP - It helps to leave the lid off for it to dry quicker.

All done! Enjoy your cute little character light!


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