
Elementary Art Teacher Shows Off Colorful Dress Made From The Artwork Of 580 Students

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By Craft Factory

Mar 28, 20195 mins

Elementary Art Teacher Shows Off Colorful Dress Made From The Artwork Of 580 Students

A good teacher is someone who knows how to capture children's imaginations. They are, after all, running wild at that age. Their biggest concerns are what toy to play with after school and when their parents will finally relent and buy them the latest pair of sneakers. But few teachers are quite as brilliant as this lady.

Credit: Twitter / @Charlece_lake

Pictured above is art teacher Rebecca Bonner, 46. She works at Mcauliffe Elementary School in Highland Village, Texas, and in a bid to unite all 580 of her students - yes, you read that right - she had them create artwork for a new dress.

Credit: Twitter / @Charlece_lake

And while, on a first glance, it might look like the drawings have carefully been printed onto the dress, in reality, they were drawn on by each and every one of her students. The dress, needless to say, was originally white.

The incredibly unique creation was shared on Twitter by Bonner's daughter Charlece Lake, who is also training to be a teacher herself. She posted two of pictures of her mom in the colorful dress, and it unsurprisingly went down a storm.

"My mom is the cutest art teacher ever!" she wrote."'She made a dress and had every one of her students draw one thing on the dress for her to wear. This was her at her student's art show tonight. I'M SOBBING."

Credit: Twitter / @Charlece_lake

"Best night ever! I love displaying all the artwork for the District Art Show and having my daughter home from college and attend the show was the BEST!" Bonner herself tweeted from the school's Twitter account.

And while the dress made the occasion special in and of itself, so did the fact that Charlece was home from college!

These are some of the best responses to the 46-year-old and her student's creation on Twitter:

Credit: Twitter / @raisa_crespo

"That's so inspiring!" one user wrote. "Like you can tell she loves what she's doing and cares about her students! Wow!"

Whereas another added: "Your mom is the type of teacher that changes a child's life & they NEVER forget the positive that was poured into them."

In response to this praise, the 46-year-old simply concurred that she loved her job writing, "It's the best job ever! Love what I do everyday [sic]!"

Bonner then explained that she got her students to decorate the dress because she wanted to come up with a clever way to "get them excited about art" - and I think it's fair to say that her excitement rubbed off on more than just them!

In an interview with Good Morning America, the teacher explained that it took two weeks for all of her students to add to the dress. All of their drawings were done with a combination felt tip pens and sharpies.

Charlece explained that her mom was the reason she'd also gone into teaching.

"I think she just inspires students to be creative and just make their mistakes into something beautiful," she said.

Credit: Twitter / @Charlece_lake

While the 46-year-old was surprised that her dress went viral, ultimately receiving over 100,000 likes on the microblogging website, she said that she was glad that it's popularity helped promote her message.

"I'm not worried about being famous or anything like that but I do think it's great to promote the arts, because elementary art is not everywhere," she said.

"I think it's really important for kids to have that outlet, to have that place to create, and that freedom to create."


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