
Boy Is Busted After Trying To Outwit School With His "Mom's" Response To Formal Warning

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 27, 20195 mins

Boy Is Busted After Trying To Outwit School With His "Mom's" Response To Formal Warning

Unless you're lucky enough to raise a child who is a little angel, in the classroom at least, then you'll know just how disappointing it can be when they get a bad report card or, worse, a written warning from their school.

It's a traumatic situation not only for you but your kid, who not being well versed in the ways of the world, doesn't want to disappoint you and/or face repercussions for their actions.

Which is why when this little boy got a written warning for using bad language in class, he decided to take his punishment into his own hands. Literally.

Credit: Facebook / Krista Shoemaker

When Landon's mom, Krista, realized what he'd done and how utterly ridiculous it was, she took a picture for Facebook and captioned it: "He thought he was slick and was going to turn it in without showing us and in the parent signature area on the bottom he wrote 'I'm really sorry I will have to teach him a lesson'. [sic]"

Credit: Facebook / Krista Shoemaker

In the letter, Krista has been informed that her son "was referred to the principal" for inappropriate language.

The teacher wrote: "Landan was saying 'Kick my A-_-_' (another word for butt). He actually said it, not spelled it."

Credit: Facebook / Krista Shoemaker

Unfortunately for Landan, he was betrayed by his child-like handwriting - and needless to say, the internet loved his incredibly relatable actions.

Facebook user Bill Robinson remarked: "by middle school he will be having the girls in his class sign them that's what I did."

Whereas Ashley Faber simply wrote: "Seems legit."

Has your kid ever tried to pull a stunt like Landan's? Let us know in the comments section.


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