
After His Young Daughter Was Forced To Wear An Eyepatch, This Creative Dad Made It Awesome

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 29, 20195 mins

After His Young Daughter Was Forced To Wear An Eyepatch, This Creative Dad Made It Awesome

Growing up is difficult at the best of times - never mind when you have a difference that physically sets you apart. Children can feel self-conscious about the most innocuous of things, which is why it's so important that we teach them that there's nothing wrong with being different.

After all, while we can't control how other people react to our differences (although this would be the case in an ideal world), the last person a child needs negative comments from is themselves!

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

And one parent who's got the art of teaching their child that it's totally okay to be different is Reddit user Geof Grubb.

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

"My daughter has to wear an eyepatch. Tried to make the best of it," Geof wrote alongside a number of pictures of his daughter Layla wearing brilliantly creative eyepatches. 

The doting dad revealed on Reddit that his daughter has to wear an eyepatch because she "has a small cataract (since birth). She patches for 2 hours every day to strengthen her vision in the affected eye."

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

While some of the designs are simply creative and add some fun to what could otherwise be a distressing situation for a child, others change the little girl's appearance by turning her into a number of iconic - and heroic - characters.

Case in point, one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

This is my personal favorite. When you've got only one eye, why not create a bunch more on an eyepatch?!

Apparently, this was done at Layla's request, Geof revealed on Reddit. It's great to hear that she's in on the creativity too.

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

These pictures are a testament to the fact that creativity can be used to turn a bad situation into a positive one.

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

"I am eyepatch Groot!"

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

That's the smile of a child who knows she's looking badass.

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

Babs bunny to celebrate growing her first teeth.

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

Even Wonder Woman has her down days.

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

But clearly, they don't last long for Layla. Nice buns, mini Leia!

Credit: Imgur / @gfgrubb

So, if your kid ever ends up with a difference that sets them apart from their peers, why not get your thinking cap on like Geof and use your creativity to turn a negative situation into a positive?!


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