
Adorable Moment Little Boy Is In Awe When He Learns That 'Two Princesses' Can Get Married

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Craft Factory

Mar 21, 20195 mins

Adorable Moment Little Boy Is In Awe When He Learns That 'Two Princesses' Can Get Married

Your wedding is supposed to be a magical day. You've found your perfect "prince" or "princess" and look forward to your "happily ever after" with them. And tying the knot just makes it official.

You spend months - possibly even years - planning every last detail of the ceremony.  Everything from the venue to the wedding dress is given a great deal of careful thought and consideration. So when it finally comes down to the big day, you hope it will turn out to be the fairytale wedding you'd always envisioned it to be.

I mean, that is, if you're a hopeless romantic like I am. Or like Bea and Emma Webster-Mockett clearly are - based on their gorgeous wedding photos.

Credit: Twitter / Bea Webster-Mocket

The pair from Glasgow, Scotland got married on November 10, 2018. But the date of February 14 also holds a very special place in their hearts - perhaps for a different reason than you might think.

The couple officially became an item on Valentine's Day back in 2017. And so last Valentine's Day (2019), Bea Webster-Mockett decided to mark their two-year relationship with an adorable Twitter post.

Yep, she thought it would be nice to use the special day to share one unforgettable moment she had with her wife and a couple of strangers on their wedding day.

Credit: Twitter / Bea Webster-Mocket

Bea told her Twitter followers a very touching story about their big day. But the tweet wasn't about the actual wedding ceremony itself - instead, she told them about an encounter she and her wife had with a little boy and his mum.

Following the nuptials, the newlyweds were having pictures taken at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens by their wedding photographer, Kirsty McLachlan. It was then that they heard a boy excitedly shout, "Look at those princesses!"

Credit: Twitter / Bea Webster-Mocket

"My wife and I decided we had to speak to him," Bea told HuffPost. They then approached the boy and his mum and the boy asked, "Did one of you get married?"

That's when Emma explained to the boy that they had actually married each other.

The boy then asked if they were both princesses and his mum had the perfect response: "Yes, two princesses can marry each other!"

Credit: Twitter / Bea Webster-Mocket

"I nearly cried!" Emma recalled. "My wife was just over the moon. And we were both delighted that the boy’s mother didn’t hesitate and just stepped right in and normalised same-sex marriage."

"It was something we will never forget," she added. "And it made our day a bit more magical."

Of course, they themselves felt the moment was super special but Bea never thought for a moment that her sentimental tweet would attract as much attention as it did.

In fact, as of this writing, the tweet has garnered an impressive 112,979 likes and 24,919 retweets.

Credit: Instagram / @fatgirl_em

"I hope that people see that if a child could understand two women marrying each other, then why can’t lawmakers and people who have the power to make a difference see that too?" Emma said. "And give the LGBTQIA+ community the same rights and treatment as heterosexual people."

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Scotland since 2014, but of course, there's still a long way to go before we can really call ourselves enlightened on all things LGBT+.


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